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2024 LaGrange County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1551-1600 of 1966
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 11:04 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
State Projects / Child Development (CD) / 16011: Level A (CD)
155 Seider, Isabella 910 Purple Overall Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
250 Noll, Paul 1736 Blue LaGrange
State Projects / Computer (CO) / 17021: Intermediate (CO)
197 Miller, Matthew 1134 Lavender Overall Reserve Grand Champion LaGrange
197 Miller, Matthew 1134 Pink Reserve Champion LaGrange
State Projects / Computer (CO) / 17031: Advanced (CO)
259 Stump, Carver 1863 Purple Blue Honor, Champion LaGrange
259 Stump, Carver 1863 Purple Overall Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
State Projects / Construction and Architectural Replica (CA) / 17511: Beginner (CA)
26 Bontrager, Kenneth 86 Blue Honor LaGrange
27 Bontrager, Sophia 93 Blue Honor LaGrange
State Projects / Construction and Architectural Replica (CA) / 17521: Intermediate (CA)
185 Barth, Brayden 1051 Blue LaGrange
State Projects / Consumer Clothing (CC) / 18021: Intermediate (CC)
21 Wolheter, Breanna 72 Pink Overall Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
21 Wolheter, Breanna 72 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
State Projects / Consumer Clothing (CC) / 18031: Advanced (CC)
36 Wolheter, Reese 153 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
36 Wolheter, Reese 153 Purple Overall Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
State Projects / Creative Writing (CW) / 18511: Beginner (CW)
126 Gall, Baylor 758 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
195 Hamm, Ellisynn 1126 Pink Blue Honor, Reserve Champion LaGrange
199 Noll, Kevin 1165 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
State Projects / Creative Writing (CW) / 18521: Intermediate (CW)
95 Noll, Elizabeth 509 Pink Overall Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
95 Noll, Elizabeth 509 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
261 Stump, Faith 1892 Pink Blue Honor, Reserve Champion LaGrange
State Projects / Creative Writing (CW) / 18531: Advanced (CW)
210 Rood, Mackenzie 2098 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
210 Rood, Mackenzie 2098 Purple Overall Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
State Projects / Demonstration (DE) / 19021: Senior Individual (DE)
20 Anders, Thomas 55 Purple Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
State Projects / Dog Poster or Display (DP) / 20011: Beginner (DP)
12 Clark, Evelyn 311 Pink Blue Honor, Reserve Champion LaGrange
89 Carey, Lydia 490 Blue LaGrange
60 Clark, Flora 499 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
140 Stutzman, Rozlyn 824 Blue LaGrange
142 Taylor, Rhett 844 State Fair Entry LaGrange
142 Taylor, Rhett 844 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
143 Penick, Jalayna 846 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
406 Owsley, Warrick 855 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
186 Case, Aryanna 1054 Blue LaGrange
157 Eash, Felicity 1085 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
260 Hostetler, Kalaya 2943 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
State Projects / Dog Poster or Display (DP) / 20021: Intermediate (DP)
23 Kasuboski, Samantha 106 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
72 Hofer, Luke 472 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
200 Gall, Alice 1162 Blue LaGrange
224 James, Katelyn 1398 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
224 James, Katelyn 1398 Purple Overall Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
238 Lash, Zackery 1577 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
261 Stump, Faith 1898 Pink Blue Honor, Reserve Champion LaGrange
408 Klopfenstein, Daisy 2412 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
State Projects / Dog Poster or Display (DP) / 20031: Advanced (DP)
86 Hofer, Oliver 474 Pink Blue Honor, Reserve Champion LaGrange
88 Carey, Abigail 484 Blue LaGrange
96 Bartley, Trinity 541 Blue LaGrange
110 Penrod, Haydn 658 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
144 Gerwig, Jenna 848 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange
259 Stump, Carver 1858 Pink Overall Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
259 Stump, Carver 1858 Purple Blue Honor, Champion, State Fair Entry LaGrange
111 Klein, Harper 2021 Blue LaGrange
407 Klopfenstein, Elliana 2644 Light Blue Blue Honor LaGrange